Rosemary Wright

Biography and Artists Statement

I started working with wood in the late 1990’s, leaving behind a career in biochemistry. Having no arts education, I learnt my craft making functional items and gradually developed an understanding of form and aesthetics.  In 2005, supported by an award from the Arts Council, I was selected by the Crafts Council to exhibit at the Chelsea Crafts Fair (and, subsequently, Origin).  My first solo exhibition, at The Open Eye Gallery in Edinburgh, followed in 2006.  At  the AWGB 11th International Woodturning Seminar at Loughborough University in 2007 I won the Tony Boase award with the split leaf platter shown below.  I have work in a number of collections, including the Daniel Collection.

Using native woods primarily, I try to achieve simplicity, balance and purity of form in my work, highlighting this with accents of colour, burning or texture.  My designs are contemporary, square and rectangular as well as circular, allowing me to explore the contrast and interplay between curved surfaces and straight lines.  After a few years break, I am now taking my work with wood in a new direction.  Using turned wood fragments, off-cuts, found objects and other materials I create collage panels exploring composition.  My love of form, geometry and texture are areas I want to develop in a sculptural way.   I hope in due course to show more of this type of work here.

Artworks-MK Studio Workshops • Barford • Galley Hill • Milton Keynes • MK11 1PE

E: • T: 07789 534000

© Rosemary Wright 2004-2012

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